1. The corresponding author submits an original manuscript.
2. Quick judgment by the assistant editor of whether the manuscript fits the theme the conference. If it does not, the author will be notified immediately with an e-mail of rejection.
3. The editor(s) will decide, based on the theme of the conference and the quality of argumentation and the text in general, whether the manuscript is fit to undergo the peer review process.
4. Where a manuscript shows promise but suffers from severe problems (textual or otherwise), the editor(s) may send the manuscript back to the author(s) for corrections and upgrading.
5. The editor(s) sends invitations to competent individuals he or she believes would be appropriate reviewers. The reviewers will provide a recommendation to the editors, justifications, and suggestions (if appropriate) and place the manuscript into one of the following categories: “reject,” “resubmit,” “accept with minor revisions,” or “accept as is”.
6. The editor(s) make their decision based on the reviewer’s comments and their own judgment. The paper is either accepted for final publication or sent back to the authors for minor or major revision (with readability improvement suggestions by the editors), or else it is rejected.
7. On receipt of the corrected manuscript, the editorial team will finalize the formatting and provided all necessary changes have been made, the manuscript will be sent to production.
1. At least one author of each submitted paper must attend and present the paper at the conference. If authors cannot attend for any reasons, the technical program chair should be informed on time, and appropriate substitute arrangements should be made..
2. Should you have any questions, please contact us at